First, Make Sure You’re Eligible
You are eligible to enroll in USFHP if you are 64 years of age or younger and:
- It is Open Season or you have a Qualifying Life Event
- Live in an eligible zip code: As mandated by the Department of Defense, each of the six US Family Health Plans serves its own area of the country, defined by zip codes. To see if you live in an eligible zip code where we can provide you service as a member of the Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan, use the zip code search tool.
And one of the following:
- An active-duty family member
- A retired service member or family member*
- A family member of an Activated National Guard/Reserve member
- A non-activated National Guard/Reserve member or family member who qualifies for care under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
- A retired National Guard/Reserve member (age 60 and receiving retired pay) or family member*
- A survivor
- A Medal of Honor recipient or family member
- A qualified former spouse

Next, Review the Resources
Open Season Frequently Asked Questions
Each fall, TRICARE will have an annual enrollment period called Open Season. This will be the time when eligible members select their TRICARE option—including the US Family Health Plan—for the following year.
Benefits Overview
The US Family Health Plan offers all the TRICARE Prime benefits plus extras only available through Johns Hopkins. Active-duty family members pay no enrollment fees or out-of-pocket costs for any type of care received through the Johns Hopkins provider network.
In-person Q&A Sessions
Attend an information briefing, a 30-minute presentation offering a detailed plan review, enrollment instructions, and a personal Q&A session from a field service representative who is a USFHP member.
Prescription Drug Benefits
We provide our members with full TRICARE Prime prescription drug benefits as mandated by the Department of Defense. Get the details about the prescription drug coverage and pharmacy benefits we offer.
Find a Doctor
Use our provider search tool to find a doctor or facility near you.
Points to Consider
Why should you choose Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan?
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions about our plan? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Respecting Your Privacy
Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan follows a strict policy to protect the privacy and security rights of our members.
Automatic Payment Form – Retirees & Family
You can pay the enrollment fee for Johns Hopkins USFHP by direct debit (automatic checking account withdrawal) or with a credit card. Please indicate your desired method of payment and submit the automatic payment form with your enrollment application.
When You’re Ready: Enroll
Before you enroll, ensure DEERS information is current. Call 1-800-538-9552 or visit your nearest Military Pass & ID Office.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
You will need:
- The sponsor’s social security number
- The primary care manager (selected from our provider network) of each person enrolling
- The payment method for the enrollment fee (military retirees and family members only)
Mail or fax
Complete and print the following forms:
- Enrollment Application
- TRICARE Young Adult Application
- Automatic Payment Form (You only need to use this form if you are applying for coverage as a retiree or family member and choose monthly premium payment from a savings, checking, or credit card account.)
And mail to:
Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan
Enrollment Department
PO Box 8689
Elkridge, MD 21075
Or fax to: 410-424-4770
To check the status of your application, please call Customer Service at 800-808-7347.